CSI: Community Stroke Initiative

Every forty seconds, someone dies from a stroke. Not only is it the leading cause of disability, the risk of having a stroke has been shown by the CDC to be twice as high for Black people than White people, with Blacks having the highest death rate from the disease.

With a focus on identification, action-based protocols, and rapid response, this community health project will reduce high mortality rates due to stroke through robust and hands-on free “bystander” training in communities worldwide, especially amongst marginalized groups of color. Through this initiative, we are equipping community members with practicable answers, as derived from extensive research with medical specialists, to these questions:

  • How do I know if someone is having a stroke or seizure?

  • What actions should I take if someone is having a stroke or seizure?

  • What actions should I avoid if someone is having a stroke or seizure?

As our workshops and distribution plans are finalized, we will share ways to get involved in this community-shifting work (October 2022)


Bay Area Aid Run